Henry Lincoln of The Damned Rennes-Le-Chateau

3 years ago

Memento Mori S01E09: King Arthur and Excalibur stand up through time, mad at Tom Hanks, The Damned's guitarist falls off stage, Carcassonne to Rennes, touring Sauniere's stomping grounds, meeting an author for lunch, I smashed my head then bought some champagne.

Full Rennes-Le-Chateau video: http://youtu.be/P2JcOpx7fzM
Full Carcassonne video: http://youtu.be/sciHHwsVZY4

"Rat Scabies and The Holy Grail" book: http://isbnsearch.org/isbn/9780340832110
"The Da Vinci Code" book: http://isbnsearch.org/isbn/9781400079179
"Holy Blood and The Holy Grail" book: http://isbnsearch.org/isbn/9780385338455

"Excalibur" (1981) film: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082348/
"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" (1989) film: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097576/

Rat Scabies Official: http://ratscabies.com
The Damned Official: http://www.officialdamned.com
Rennes-Le-Chateau: http://www.renneslechateau.com
Blanquet de Limoux Wine: http://www.sieurdarques.com


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