WHY DO PEOPLE SUFFER? Part 5: Satan and Evil Spirits

3 years ago

The prophet Zechariah was given a vision of Joshua the high priest being flanked on one side by the angel of the Lord and the Devil on the other. The angel did not tell Satan to leave Joshua alone, but asked the Lord to rebuke him instead.

When Jesus was confronted and tempted by the Devil, He defeated Satan by quoting Scriptures. Jesus has been given authority to destroy the works of the Devil and that authority has also been transferred to the church. While we cannot directly attack the Devil, we can ask God to rebuke him.

We have the ability to destroy his evil works through prayer and leading unsaved people to Christ and the day will come when Jesus cast’s Satan into the Lake of Fire. Our ability to wage war against evil spirits is different. Casting out demons was the daily practice of Jesus. He exercised total authority over them and expects us to do likewise.

It is a sin when a Christian refuses to help those who are afflicted. When it comes to deliverance, Jesus never intended that only certain people should do it, it is the duty of every Christian. This mandate has continued unbroken over the centuries and will not stop until Jesus returns a second time.
Sermon Outline

Part 5: Satan and Evil Spirits
RLJ-1654 -- JUNE 3, 2018

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