Horst Ludwig Georg Erich Wessel is born on October 9, 1907 in Bielefeld, Germany

3 years ago

Horst Ludwig Georg Erich Wessel is born on October 9, 1907 in Bielefeld, Germany.

Happy 114th birthday to Horst Wessel, the young SA man who wrote what would become the anthem of National Socialism, Die Fahne Hoch (or the Horst Wessel Lied). Horst Wessel became a symbol of National Socialist heroism and self-sacrifice after his assassination by communists in 1930 at the age of 22. He was both a courageous leader of men and a sensitive and talented musician.

Die Fahne Hoch or Horst Wessel Lied is famously played in the beginning of Leni Riefenstahl's monumental documentary of the 1934 NSDAP Party Congress, Triumph of the Will, as Hitler descends from the clouds above Nuremberg.

Prost! Heil Hitler! 🤚🏻⚡⚡

Hans Westmar (1933) (English subs)

SA Mann Brand (1933) (English subs)

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