My Dander Dysphoria Is Valid

3 years ago

I talk about the politics of the wig and makeup industries and how it relates to my experience of dermatillomania also known as exorciation disorder. This is not satire or fiction. I genuinely have struggled with this disorder for longer than I have not manifested the phenotype. The evidence is literally written all over my face. As you can see, with good lighting and no make-up, my collagen substrate is not prematurely aged, as I am often accused. But there's changes to skin pigmentation that are a result of long term, irregular patterns of inflammation from behaviors associated with dermatillomania or what I propose now be called dander dysphoria. Dander dysphoria has nothing to do with mania, so the name results in unnecessary stigma. It fits because it is motivated by dissatisfaction with specific skin flakes and a desire to be rid of them.

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