Ep 67: The Truth About mRNA Technology With Dr. Robert Malone| The Courtenay Turner Podcast

3 years ago

To all those celebrating I wish you a very Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁

In this episode Courtenay hosts the man of the hour Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA & DNA technologies. While many have seen his truth-warrior spirit on Twitter and heard the slanderous attacks claiming either that he didn’t invent the mRNA & DNA technology, or blaming him for how they were implemented, few have taken the time to hear his story and learn the process which he endured to arrive at these ingenious discoveries. Moreover, so few are aware of what led us to the current products available and the scientific and political milieus surrounding them. As someone devoid of the credentials Dr. Robert Malone has earned, and innovation in which he pioneered, his experience with academia and the traumatic events of having your work be stolen or dismissed resonated deeply with my own experience as well as those of loved ones. It filled me with immense compassion and a desire for his story to be told! In this discussion Dr. Robert Malone shares his background (which vastly exceeds his mRNA invention), experiences, studies and intentions behind that particular invention. You’ll discover his work was not well represented in it’s true integrity and instantly swept up from under his feet in the corruption that is, in his words, today’s “Big Science.” He answers all your pressing questions surrounding the variation of Covid-19 vaccines, potential adverse effects of each on all ages including children, and best treatments for those effects. While sharing his heart and passion for science and humanity, he explains why he has to change some of his previous statements and why he speaks out against one of his own inventions.

Dr. Robert Malone is a virologist and immunologist. His work has centered on the focus of mRNA technology, pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research. Dr. Robert has served as director of clinical affairs for Avancer Group, a member of the scientific advisory board of EpiVax, assistant professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore school of medicine, and associate professor of biotechnology at Kennesaw State University. He was the CEO and co-founder of Atheric Pharmaceutical, which aided in the assistance of treating the Zika virus in 2016. Dr. Robert Malone was also chief medical officer at Alchem Laboratories of Florida until 2020.

Episode Resources:

Famatodine studies:


4min video on why children shouldn’t be jabbed:

Bruce Patterson’s site to find test for long haulers problems:

Fauci FOIA emails:


Mass Formation Psychosis:


Modi SARS (German version of the SPARS document which is worth noting given the German government reference to Pfizer)


Recommend Books:
1984 by George Orwell
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn
And The Band Played On by Randy Shilts
The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Connect with Dr. Robert:
Website: https://www.rwmalonemd.com/
Twitter: Robert W. Malone, MD
Follow & Connect with Courtenay:
Twitter: Courtenay Turner (@CourtenayTurner) :https://twitter.com/CourtenayTurner?s=20
Instagram: https://instagram.com/kineticcourtz?utm_medium=copy_link

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Video Edited By Griffo Productions
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