3 years ago

Following the reasoning given to justify vxxx passports; that they signify a level of protection for the communities we interact with, that they signal one’s commitment to the safety of their neighbors, that one cares about not overwhelming the local healthcare system and that they help prevent mutations, (none of the above is definitively supported by data, but stay with me), then why doesn’t that same reasoning apply to natural immunity when the data suggests that natural immunity’s protective capabilities are far superior to that of the vxx? As of this post 278,343,563 have been infected and of that number 272,953,884 have recovered. If that number looks surprisingly similar it’s because only 5.6 million have died globally since this all began 2 years ago. I suspect that if you are just getting your information from MSM you were under the impression that fatality number was far greater, am I right? Let’s say that none of the 270 million recovered are vaccinated, that’s still a lot of natural immunity passports right? At some point you’re going to have to let go of the notion that our global leaders are working within our best interest. At some point you’re going to have to start asking the right questions. At some point you’re going to have to decide if you want to be comfortably obedient or free and courageous because the enemy of liberty has proven that they will sink the boat with them in it for one more day of absolute power.

ON PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/lightbulbinitiative/episodes/WHERES-THE-NATURAL-IMMUNITY-PASSPORT-e1c4kii

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