THE PROPHET JEREMIAH Part 14: The Corruption of Paganism

3 years ago

The people of Judah went to the forest and cut down an evergreen tree, decorated it and proceeded to worship this inanimate object. Where did this pagan ritual come from? The worship of trees had its origin in Babel with Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz. Semiramis became known as the queen of heaven and Roman Catholicism eventually replaced her with Mary and Tammuz with Jesus, yet all the pagan rituals remained.

Jesus was not pleased with the people of Judah nor is He pleased with the majority of modern day Christians because all the pagan customs adopted by the people of Judah are still with us today. Where is the discernment of Christians who engage in such idolatry? It is with pride that pastors allow evergreen trees decorated with silver and gold to be set up in their churches. Then we wonder why there is no spiritual power in the churches today?

How can the Holy Spirit sanction a mixture of pagan traditions with Jesus? Paganism is an abomination, so why have Christians around the world adopted pagan customs and discarded the words of Jesus? The modern church is no better than the people of Judah 2,600 years ago.
Sermon Outline

Part 14: The Corruption of Paganism
RLJ-1664 -- AUGUST 12, 2018

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