US toddler adopts a BRITISH accent after watching Peppa Pig

2 years ago

This is the amusing moment a toddler adopted a BRITISH accent after watching television cartoon Peppa Pig.

Luke Walters, who is 21-month-old, was filmed at his house in the Washington D.C. area on his sister Aria’s third birthday when he spots his favourite Peppa Pig characters in balloon form.

As his family members encourage him to tell them who is shown on the balloon Luke replies “George” in a FLAWLESS British accent mimicking the characters on the show.

Luke’s family erupts with laughter and mom Sheena promptly shared online to the delight of her followers.

Sheena Walters, 35, said:

“This was filmed at our house at Luke’s sister Aria's third birthday party.”

“My husband and I couldn’t believe his accent was so spot on!

“We got so many comments from people in the UK saying it was indistinguishable from their accent.”

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