THE PROPHET JEREMIAH Part 11: Impending Disaster

3 years ago

God is persistent and patient, hoping that people will respond, but if there is no repentance, He will seek out justice because He is obligated to mete out punishment. The holy anger exhibited by God is just as intense as His love.

The Lord warned the tribe of Benjamin to flee from Jerusalem and likened Judah to a fragile woman who depended upon others for support. Judgment was coming for this woman and it would be fierce because the leadership had lied to the people that peace would continue and the people refused to listen to the Word of God. Judah was sandwiched between Assyria and Egypt, two superpowers that had dominated the area for hundreds of years.

God would send another superpower would come from the north to be His instrument of judgment and the sword would follow the inhabitants wherever they fled. This would be a time of great mourning as Babylon removed their wealth and entertainment and replaced with another lifestyle.

If God didn't spare His own people and allowed them to be conquered, what does that say about us today? We need to remember the lessons of the past because God is not mocked and His love can turn to fury.
Sermon Outline

THE PROPHET JEREMIAH Part 11: Impending Disaster
RLJ-1661 -- JULY 22, 2018

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