🎁 The 12 Days Of Christmas Day 11: Jarome Bell On Constitutional Carry 🎁

3 years ago

🎁 The 12 Days Of Christmas 🎁

Day 11: Jarome Bell On Constitutional Carry

Chief Bell is running for Congress in Virginia’s 2nd District.

Chris Anders: "Currently in Virginia law abiding citizens have to pay a tax and beg the governments permission to bare arms concealed. Not only that but many states prohibit Virginians from bearing arms for self defense like neighboring Maryland. Would you support a national constitutional carry bill that would enable all law abiding citizens to bear arms in every state in the Republic with out paying a tax or begging the government permission?"

Jarome Bell: "Any type of gun control is against the constitution. It's against the 2nd Amendment. Our right to bear arms period. We have that right. So we shouldn't have to beg permission. We should not have to pay a tax. We should not have to ask anybody to bear arms. So, I definitely would be in FAVOR if we have to write a law for constitutional carry. A bill for that definitely. Because the Constitution says that we have the right to bear arms. And that SHALL and that's a very very important word in legal ease. When you talk in court battles. It says "shall". IT SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED period! And that's the law. So I should be able to carry anything I want at any time I want any place I want. Because my right to that is guaranteed to me by the constitution. And that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. But yes I 'd definitely be in favor of a constitutional carry bill."

– Jarome Bell running for Congress in Virginia’s 2nd District.

Vote for Chief Bell on November 8, 2022.



2nd Amendment

Constitutional Carry

Thank you for watching and Merry Christmas To All!

We The People 2020 & Beyond

Recorded via https://ProVideoMeeting.com on October 13, 2021

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