Morning of Creation

3 years ago

And God said let there be Light

And out of the ground
the Lord God formed
every beast of the field
and every fowl of the air
And God said let us make man
in our own Image after our Likeness
and let them have dominion
And the Lord God formed man
of the dust of the ground
and breathed into his nostrils
the breath of Life

And God said let there be Light

And the Lord God planted
a Garden eastward in Eden
and there He put
the man that he had formed
Thus the heavens
and earth were finished
and all the host of them
And God saw everything
that He had made
and behold it was very good
It was very good

And God said let there be Light

And Jesus said
walk while ye have the Light
lest darkness come upon you
The hour is come that the Son of Man
should be glorified
If you shalt confess with thy mouth
the Lord Jesus
and shalt believe in thine heart
that God hath raised Him from the dead
thou shalt be saved

And God said let there be Light

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