🎄 The 12 Days Of Christmas 🎄 Day 10: Jarome Bell On The Right To Work

3 years ago

🎄 The 12 Days Of Christmas 🎄
Day 10: Jarome Bell On The Right To Work

Chief Bell is running for Congress in Virginia’s 2nd District.

Chris Anders: “Apparently every Democratic candidate around Virginia is openly advocating for the repeal of “Right to Work” even though over 80% of citizens across the United States agree that no one should be forced to pay union dues just to have a job. So the question is will you support a national “Right to Work” bill so that Virginians and all Americans never again have to face the prospect of forced union dues?”

Jarome Bell: “I definitely will support that because we do have the “Right to Work” because that’s part of the pursuit of happiness. That’s part of our way of life. ”

“I believe having to pay union dues in my opinion is against the RICO statutes. That’s extortion to me. You have to pay dues in order to work. You have to pay dues in order to pursue your happiness in life. No. That’s preposterous.”

“We shouldn’t have to even sponsor a bill to do that. It’s sad that we are at this state in this country to where we have to write a law that says that we don’t have to pay dues to anyone to work. So where are we? So if it has to come to that I will definitely support and sponsor a “Right to Work” bill into law. Definitely.”

– Jarome Bell running for Congress in Virginia’s 2nd District.

Vote for Chief Bell on November 8, 2022.




Thank you for watching and Merry Christmas To All!

We The People 2020 & Beyond

Recorded via https://ProVideoMeeting.com on October 13, 2021

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