Saving the stories of my reluctant writer

3 years ago

We all wish for our children to look back on their childhood with fondness and even a feeling of enchantment. Why is it, then, that we get sucked into this fast-paced culture's way of pushing our kids to be little adults? We want them to be the best, smartest, most responsible and productive... but then where is room for pure childhood? I have gotten sucked into this myself. Several times. Mom guilt never stops trying to make us feel inadequate. Am I right? But I keep coming back to my ‘why’. I want my relationship with my kids to be at the core of our homeschool. I want them to want to chase curiosity; to actually think it is fun to pursue knowledge for a lifetime. I have a 7 year old and 3 year old. They are both moving targets, which means I am constantly changing my approach, but with more people now than ever entering the homeschool space, I thought I would share what works for our family!

Gameschooling play school

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