i can feel your projection, it's you that judges you, comrade

3 years ago

i don't regret taking psychedelics
a little goes a long way with lsd
pot these days, whoa nelly
the crazier society, the stronger the weed strains
the man in my head had to correct me there
those of us that think/care more will always be reprimanded
i have a hard time taking anyone seriously
my ego talks very loud, we know
say hi to my balloon, my balloon says hi
i hate it when people pop balloons, it plumb pisses me off
embarrassing admission: i used to kick ant hills
i got a little sociopath in me sometimes, it was worse when i was younger
stealing allowed me to pretend to be somebody else
possession coulda very well been what happened
it wasn't me it was satan
they replaced satan with the disease aspect of psychological problems
i was just being political, proving a greater point about the society we live in
bubblegum, due to the ADDerall
booster, adding to whatever you already have
we were suspicious back in 1991, before the plot was blatantly obvious
people can't wait to be destroyed
i do this for yawl
apply what i say, don't just agree with me, man
thanks but unnecessary
first xmas where i feel like i genuinely understand the meaning of it all
backseat+laundry basket full of gifts for my frenz and fambly
i can't send gifts thru the internet
down the hall of yt, old skool vlogging is a lot like the 80s
time is just a way to control us anyway
probably should take off the weed hat
the world changed its' mind on weed cos they have ill intentions
i spy: grey harrs (courtesy of mucho anxiety)
enjoy what i can/while i can/where i can/how i can
nope...didn't work, haha
organic fennel seeds, get chu some if you wanna go out in public
they wanna believe ag is doin satire
irrational over here, maybe
all we do is question everything esp ourselves
donate all my checks n balances to those in need

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