223. Conversations: Where to Begin?

3 years ago

Join and help us as we consider topics and words to use to bring our friends and family gently to the truth that they may not be receiving the fullness of the Word of YHVH from their Sunday services. The riches of the Word, barely scratched at our study, are often glossed over completely at traditional church service, as they correctly focus primarily on the unsaved.

We are going to embark on a journey to look at ideas verses and words to share in hopes of waking some up to the possibility that YHVH has so much more for them (us) than they (we) may know, and as the day draws near it is becoming ever more important to more fully and accurately represent some of the depth of His Word.

Simply by examining the context and content of each verse can often open a new world of meaning.

We must also be aware of who is speaking and to whom are they speaking; for instance many believe that the Sermon on the Mount was given to the multitudes following Y’shau, but that is not true: reread Matthew 5:1-2, He spoke to the disciples only.

It is often helpful to consider the background culturally and personally, and of the particular situation and the speaker, and to consider why the speaker said the things they said.

We know that the Words of Scripture were not written in modern American English and as such it is pretty important to understand the words in the original language and context, so some investigation of both Hebrew and Greek is inevitable and necessary to further our understanding.

Some verses will require a little outside research. For instance, we can know pretty much exactly when Y’shua was born as we are given a direct time line in scripture from the courses or serving times of the priests. But those dates are not directly listed in the pages of Scripture some a tiny bit of research is needed to determine when the priest of the course of Abaiayu (Father of Yah) served to find the exact date of the birth of Y’shau and, as it turns out, of Yocanon (John the Baptist) also.

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