R&B Medical War Crimes #19 - Panel Discussion with 3 Women of Valor

3 years ago

J. Rivkah Asoulin is widely known as Wise Woman Fertility (wisewomanfertility.com), where she serves as an herbalist, fertility consultant, women’s health educator, certified kallah teacher (and balanit) and is the creator of JFAM, the Jewish sympto-thermal method of Fertility Awareness.

J. Rivkah is also the founder and executive director of Ancient Roots Israel (ancientrootsisrael.com), the first international herbal conference and community in Israel.

Chava Dagan runs Nettles and Pins; a farm, website and "folk" school, where people of all ages can come to learn forgotten, traditional skills, such as: crafts, gardening and holistic care of plants, animals and humans, using nature as both medicine and food.

Chava holds a degree in psychology and is certified in natural health, colonic hydrotherapy and herbalism.

She is the author of a book on natural parenting, "Mother's Pearls: The Revival of Parenting", available in both English and Hebrew, to help parents reconnect to themselves and to their children. She continues to write blogs about these and other various topics.

Chava served in the Peace Corps (where she learned many of these outdoor skills). It was there, in the jungles of Sri Lanka, that she began reading, connecting to and delving deeper into the Torah as a guide for life, resulting in her making aliya.

Chava, together with her husband, have six boys and they live in the SW Negev desert. You can connect with Chava at @nettlesandpinschat on telegram or through email, listed on her website: nettlesandpins.com.

Gilla Weiss is a birth doula and herbalist (with a backround in massage therapy) who serves both her local community and women worldwide.

As the mother of 8 kids, including one with special needs, Gilla combines her experience of birthing, nursing, homeschooling and conscious parenting with her skills in the healing arts to empower women as they transition into motherhood .

Gilla also creates herbal products and offers hands-on herbal workshops. Through these workshops, she has led, and continues to lead, women to tap into their ancestral feminine wisdom and to gently encourage them to trust this innate intuition to help in healing themselves and their families. Gilla can be contacted through her website sageandhoney.com

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