The Maximalist Two Pocket Leather Bifold Wallet - Saddleback Leather

3 years ago

Are you a minimalist AND a prepper too? You don’t need to choose being one or the other if you choose this wallet. Just carry the minimal amount of gear to keep yourself and those you love alive in every situation imaginable. Be prepared. It’s the loving thing to do.

In those just-in case moments when you, or your loved ones lives could depend on it, you’ll be glad you have what you need. You never need what you need until you need it, but when you need it, you really need it. You could save the lives of small animals too.

Historical Wallet of Firsts
World’s Largest Leather Bifold Wallet that we know of
Only leather wallet to ever fit in two pockets at the same time. Until now thought to be impossible.
First leather Bifold wallet ever to come with a shoulder strap

The Maximalist Two Pocket Leather Bifold Wallet is the wallet you never knew you needed.

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