The New Covenant, Precious Things, by J S Blackburn

3 years ago

Years ago, before sound recorders were invented, people took the time to transcribe Scripture teachings from gifted teachers. Because of this, I found that if I create text to speech, it is like recording the message that was given back then. Here is a good example. J. S. Blackburn gave this message on The New Covenant and it was in Precious Things Volume 4, pages 376-384. I took the text and created a text to speech file and made an Audio/Video file and upload them to the Internet.
Here are the Scripture Readings.
Exodus 24:5-8.
Jeremiah 31:31-34.
Matthew 26:28.
2 Corinthians 3:3-6.
Hebrews 10:11-12.

In all my podcasts I try to apply scripture to real-life experiences. And I expound on what I believe the scripture is trying to convey to us. We need to dig deep into God's Word to find out what life is all about, and how to live like God wants us to do and how to do it.

Please go to this link for an introduction to my videos.
Also, check out these links:

Links to more audio writings:

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