Feat of the Immaculate Infection

3 years ago


If you listen to scientists discussing the aspects of the omicron variant, there is a sense of detached awe and wonder, and generally not the fear expressed by those engaged in broadcast journalism or policy making. It's academic. And, at least by junior high, after having visited various worship settings from listening to Rev. William Coffin at Riverside Baptist Church across from Columbia University, to Rev. Samuel Dewitt Proctor at the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem to Rev. Bobby Laws at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Brooklyn, it became clearly evident that theologians don't sit in church pews. Nor does political philosophy ever become a salient issue, in elevated discourse during the course of an election, indicative that there are far more opiates of the masses than assumed by some of a certain political and ideological persuasion.

But, for a moment, with so many various court cases occurring as the floodgates of litigation are unleashed, while spending time in social distancing, it may be of some value for self-edification to engage in some study regarding the jurisprudential notion of proximate cause to be able to think like a lawyer regrading assigning culpability to only those direct and proximate injuries caused by a specific agent. Cause and effect, which would actually be thinking like a scientist and using the science. Maybe take some time to consider the Aristotelian notion of first causes, like a philosopher engaged in deep thoughts about origins and genesis and from where a pandemic pathogen arose for which, to date, not even one scientist has determined the zoonotic source for a single strand of RNA that managed to spread around the entire world.

A scientist would probably want to know the exact source of infection for Tim Kaine, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren or even Ralph Northam, and not just assume it was because of a general condition of a pandemic. How else would you best equip yourself from becoming another breakthrough infection? It's just common sense, as they say.

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