Prophecy 102 - YAHUSHUA says It's Only A Matter of Time

3 years ago

Prophecy 102
YAHUSHUA Says, "It's Only A Matter of Time"

YAHUSHUA speaks through His Prophet Elisabeth Elijah (Yahsladynred on Youtube) on Sukkot/feast of tabernacles (YAHUSHUA'S birthday). He warns of the plans of the enemy and how He will deliever and protect His Bride who lives Holy and obediant unto Him. He warns of whats coming such as the dangers of sunday churchs in the Great Tribulation and the Mark of the Beast. He warns that the antichrist will come in the name Jesus Christ, and why its important to know and use His hebrew Name YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. When the antichrist starts using the Name of Jesus Christ no prayers will be heard in that name at that time.

He warns the dangers of being unequally yoked in the Great Tribulation. He explains the reason He brings division, it is for the safety of His Bride and even the Guests at the Marriage Supper of The Lamb. YAHUSHUA warns of the coming giants/nephillim who will come to earth disguised as aliens/ufos who will really be satan and his fallen angels spoken of in genesis 6. He warns those who presecute His Prophet and Ministry and what will happen if they dont repent. He also warns the Pastors who take the bribe of the goverment 'tax exempt statues' and what will happen if they dont repent.

Excerpt from Prophecy 102:

"For those of you who say, "It's too tough, too hard to live, to be Holy, I'll get it right by the Great Tribulation." I'll tell you this, if you cannot do it now and there's no sacrifice thus far you've had to make, you've not been told to lay down your life, to put your head in a guillotine, what makes you think that you can do it then when you cannot even do it now? What makes you think you'll have more faith then when starvation and death and devastation, when horrors uncomprehendable you shall see all around you? When the roads, you will have to wade through the blood! What makes you think you'll have more faith then? Now it costs you nothing other than to be called a "Bible thumper".

And I do not speak to the lands now that it costs you so much more, I speak for the majority of this earth where they have said, "Oh, it's too hard for me to live Holy! Oh, the devil tempts me so with porn! Oh, I cannot lay the cigarettes down on the altar! Oh, I cannot lay the booze down! Oh, it's too hard to live Holy! I cannot stop the cursing coming from my lips! I cannot live Holy! Pray for me, I cannot live Holy!" What makes you think it's going to be any easier then?!"


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