Covid Revealed - Episode 10 (Dr. Mitch Fleisher & Jane Barlow Christensen)

3 years ago

Dec 20, 2021


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First up you hear from Dr. Mitch Fleisher, a practicing physician of almost 40 years.
He’s a graduate of Stanford Medical School and by some miracle, he managed to avoid the all too common “medicalization” of many doctors.

- 4 supplements to help your immune system: Vitamin A as Retinol Palmitate rather than Beta Carotene 2,000 IU daily, Buffered Vitamin C 4-6mg daily, Vitamin D3 5-10,000 units daily with food as it is fat-soluble, and Zinc Picolinate 25-50mg daily.
- Licorice root with glycyrrhizin, however, use CAUTION as he did not mention the contraindications for those with high blood pressure issues! 450-650mg daily, as it can help prevent viruses from entering the cells. Others mentioned are Vitamins B and Hydrogen peroxide, either nebulizing or IV therapies.
- Masks do not prevent viral transmission
-It's all about fear-mongering and control
-Vaccines only mitigate symptoms of specific strains only, do very little if anything for mutations and is limited in duration of efficacy, with many possible complications from the vaccine.
- Peptide therapy
- Social awakening and creating an "underground movement"


Next up is Jane Barlow Christensen
Jane is one of the world's leading herbalists who gives specific remedies that can be used to improve your protection against attacks on your body -- and yes, that includes viruses!

Jane shares simple steps you can take to increase the use of microbial and viral protection. And some of them, you just might have sitting around your kitchen!
She’s brilliant, with a lifetime of experience (literally). She will let you in on a secret on how an entire society of Native Americans didn’t suffer from influenza during an epidemic.

-Things you can do for assurance rather than relying on Insurance.
- things in your kitchen: Rosemary, Sage, Oregano, Tumeric
-Oil of Oregano
- 5 things that help:
Lomatium (LDM-100) anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, candida
Osha root has an affinity for the lungs, helps with the regeneration of the lungs
then adaptogens like Ashwagandha, Holy Basil, Cordyceps/Mushrooms, Rhodiola, and more
Tumeric and black pepper as the liver can have issues with metabolizing (breaking down) turmeric

-First thing Morning drink: 16oz warm water with *cayenne pepper or tincture (25 drops) with some lemon juice and apple cider vinegar
- Take "HeartLove" found at Barlow Herbals with meals: *Cayenne pepper, Cinnamon, and Slippery elm
This beautiful blend of 3 spices and herbs is blended specifically to nourish and strengthen the heart.

* Precautions with Lomatium (LDM-100) as you can get a one-time temporarily uncomfortable rash in the beginning, see Barlow Herbal for more information, You can use Barlow Herbal MunityBoost FIRST to help reduce the chance of a rash. OR just start out really really slow with LDM-100.
* If you are on a prescription blood thinner like Coumadin or Warfarin or have myocardial bridging - please check with your doctor before consuming Cayenne Pepper.

Other than that, all these things mentioned here are very safe.

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