Conscious Choosing | Live By Heart Today #30

2 years ago

LBHT #30 - Dawn and Wendy have been focusing on being proactive this quarter and today's topic is Conscious Choosing and the results that we get when we approach situations with a shift towards positivity rather than with negativity.

We’ll have a heart to heart convo about how important it is to have clarity so that we can get a handle on what's really happening, and make better choices in every moment by exercising our freedom to choose in the most impactful way.

Join us as we have an organic heart to heart about the mind, body and soul. Each show is a self-contained mini-discourse that progressively compounds over its Season to support an over-arching topic of Self development.

This show is a part of the Season 3 topic: Being Proactive.

Live By Heart Today is hosted by Dawn Spiegelberg, a Medical Intuitive and Coherence Coach and Wendy R Wolf, a Professional Transformation Facilitator. Produced and distributed by Retro Earth Studio.

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