Commies: The Rosenbergs - Conclusions part 1

3 years ago

Here I finish my epic exploration of Radosh's chapter on The Rosenberg File, the reaction to that including the internecine squabble between Radosh and the Schneirs, the authors of the 1965 book that declared the Rosenbergs innocent victims of a political prosecution. In the end I conclude that Radosh was motivated by his deep opposition to Stalinism (and even antisemitism, Stalinism being an aspect of that of course). And one has to ask if the opposition of the opening of the old wound of the Rosenbergs might have been in part out of fear of antisemitism - that would require re-exploring the actions of so many Jews in 1940s Soviet espionage, which runs counter to one of the great Jewish successes of the 20th century, the erasure of their deep involvement in radical left Marxist movements at home and abroad.

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