CNN Puzzled by the Unpopularity of Joe Biden

2 years ago

[00:30] Why Is Joe Biden So Unpopular? (40 minutes)

CNN may find Joe Biden’s unpopularity “puzzling,” but those with eyes to see know why this illegitimate administration is so deeply unpopular. It’s because of never-ending COVID-19 restrictions, skyrocketing inflation, the supply chain backlog, the humiliating withdrawal in Afghanistan, the porous southern border, the president's cognitive decline, and so on. To most of America, as Chris Salcedo on Newsmax noted over the weekend, one thing is clear: “A backlash against the left is brewing. The pendulum is swinging the other way.” Where will this pendulum swing lead the United States? As Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry recently wrote, “Bible prophecy shows that Donald Trump is going to return to power. I believe the dramatic turn of events that will result in his reinstatement has already begun.”

[40:35] Bible Study: Jesus Christ’s Greatest Passion (14 minutes)

When Jesus Christ’s disciples brought Him physical meat to eat, He told them, “I have meat to eat that ye know not of.” That meat, He said, was “to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.” Doing His Father’s work was Christ’s greatest passion in life, and it brought an overflowing joy into His daily life! Our passion, like Christ’s, must be to do our Father’s will and to finish His work on Earth today.

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