3 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

I have not yet had the opportunity to read Dr. Scott Atlas’ book, “A Plague Upon Our House”, in fact, until yesterday, I had not heard he was writing one, however, I’m delighted that he has because Dr. Atlas, was the most reasonable voice of those inside the Trump White House during a COVID time where nothing was nailed down as true truth, except when he made a television appearance.

Although I was unaware of the new book, Jeffrey Tucker the founder of the Brownstone Institute was not, and his review of the Atlas book is excellent and I will attempt to summarize it in 600 words or less.

By the way, I was unaware of the Brownstone Institute until last week, and so far every article I’ve seen has been excellent.

At this point, as long as Dr. Grouchy can crawl in front of a TV camera, he is going to be lying about our entire COVID experience because it was he, more than any other human on this planet who is responsible for the unnecessary deaths of thousands, if not millions of people.

It was Grouchy who funded the deadly virus research in China, and it was he who has steadfastly tried to keep everyone confused and continues even to this day as he desperately tries to wriggle himself into the best position possible to avoid being tried and convicted for general malevolence against humanity.

It was Dr. Atlas – way before President Trump tapped him to come into the lion’s den of the White House to try to sort things out – who was the first voice to say that masks don’t work and neither do lockdowns.

As Jeffrey Tucker puts it:
“Atlas as the voice for reason both before and during his time in the White House, vs. the enactment of brutal policies that never stood any chance of controlling the virus while causing tremendous damage to the people, to human liberty, to children in particular, but also to billions of people around the world.”

Dr. Atlas has since recounted that he would be the only one at a meeting of Trump’s COVID task force who was prepared to argue his point of view with actual scientific studies. Everyone else would just sit around the room and opine.

As Atlas puts it:

“…public health officials recommended draconian isolation of everyone…. Essentially, they were willing to dismantle everything we called civilization in the name of bludgeoning one pathogen without regard to the consequences.”

Also interesting is the role that Jared Kushner played. Despite Dr. Atlas repeatedly questioning Kushner about the unscientific methodology being recommended by Drs. Grouchy and Birx – you remember Birx – the scarf lady – Kushner would brush aside Atlas’s concerns with “she is 100% MAGA.”

Well, MAGA might be close enough when describing volcanic exudate, but it does not for good and appropriate public health policy makers.

As Jeffrey Tucker put it:

“Yet we know for certain that this is not true. We know from a different book on the subject that [Dr. Birks] only took the position with the anticipation that Trump would lose the presidency in the November election.”

According to Dr. Atlas, Trump was the victim of horrible advice because he was under a lot of pressure. Making COVID decisions in the delusional atmosphere fostered by Grouchy and Birks would have been bad enough, but added in were two previous faux impeachment attempts and the full international powers of the hate-filled minions of satan ever pressing against him.

According to Atlas:

“Yes, the president initially had gone along with the lockdowns proposed by Fauci and Birx, the “fifteen days to slow the spread,” even though he had serious misgivings. But I still believe the reason that he kept repeating his one question—“Do you agree with the initial shutdown?”—whenever he asked questions about the pandemic was precise because he still had misgivings about it.”

“They had convinced him to do exactly the opposite of what he would naturally do in any other circumstance….”

Atlas got an insider’s view of the daily distortions served up by the mainstream media, i.e. CNN & MSNBC.

“[They were] the most despicable group of unprincipled liars one could ever imagine.”

One of the key drivers of the pandemic pandemonium was – and still is – the misinformation attributable to testing – specifically the PCR test.

According to Dr. Atlas:

“Fragments of dead virus hang around and can generate a positive test for many weeks or months, even though one is not generally contagious after two weeks. Moreover, PCR is extremely sensitive. It detects minute quantities of viruses that do not transmit infection….

“Even the New York Times wrote in August that 90 percent or more of positive PCR tests falsely implied that someone was contagious.

“Sadly, during my entire time at the White House, this crucial fact would never even be addressed by anyone other than me at the Task Force meetings, let alone because for any public recommendation, even after I distributed data proving this critical point.”

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