How Long Can A Betta Fish Go Without Eating ~ You MUST Watch Before Your Feed Your Betta

3 years ago

How Long Can A Betta Fish Go Without Eating? Betta Fish was named after an ancient clan called “Bettah” because they are combatant and territorial even though they are little in size. In fact, in the 18th century, Betta fish became so popular that the King of Thailand had its taxed and there were betta tournaments wherein people placed their bets on the one who they think will win the territory.

The appearance of the Betta fish is stunningly beautiful because of its vibrant colors and its flowy tail. Because of their territorial characteristics, they are often seen swimming solo in one container because they couldn’t tolerate having someone else sharing their territory.

As for their diets, Betta fish are carnivores as they can feed on bloodworms, daphnia and brine shrimps. Betta happened to be picky eaters as they wanted to eat their foods on the water surface. Because of their “picky” nature, they can survive up to 14 days without eating until you got their diet right.

Understanding Their Diet
For first-time Betta keepers, overfeeding on them would be the most unsurprising issue. Betta has a slower metabolism, meaning they will survive in fewer feedings. Take note that Betta fish can only be fed once or twice a day.

As mentioned above, they are naturally carnivores and they need a well-balanced diet wherein they can get most of the protein benefits. Since betta is taken care of under your hands, then deciding the right betta foods would be a challenge. It’s okay to serve them with either feed pellets or live, freeze-dried foods as their daily meal. To keep them healthy, you have to follow these guidelines so they can live longer.

Betta’s Needed Nutritional Value
The best Betta foods can replicate their natural diet, which is wild insects, so it could give them a natural source of protein. Good Betta food can also provide fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins. It’s also important for you to take note not to buy foods meant for goldfish or any other tropical fish because they don’t have the same nutritional requirements.

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