Sagittarius January 2022 Horoscope in 3 Minutes! Astrology for Short Attention Spans - Julia Mihas

3 years ago

Hey Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising!

Luna and Julia here to tell you what to expect from the sky for January in this new year!

We may be out of Eclipse season, but retrograde season is in full effect! The inner planets - Venus and Mercury, are both retrograde this month, bringing miscommunications and intense review of your relationships. Inner planets tend to affect us more on a personal level, so as we cross into this next year, our personal lives will come under a cosmic microscope. Uranus, the planet of sudden events, will actually be turning direct on the 19th, which means something unexpected in your life may pop up around then. It’s hard to tell with Uranus which way things will go, up, down or sideways?

Mercury goes retrograde mid month in Aquarius, which is the sign of groups, and organizations. Retrograde means that a planet is moving backwards in the sky. So this month, prepare yourself for technical snafus like your computer or phone freaking out, and it can be a time where miscommunications run rife. In the sign of Aquarius, you could run into confusion and misunderstandings with your friends, or in the context of any groups you are a part of like clubs, societies, unions, recovery programs, teams and gamer circles.

When Venus goes retro, it’s a time of relationship review for all of us - whether you are attached or thinking about your next relationship. It’s also a time when exes can come out of the woodwork, and if your single, then maybe exes are for sexes? And Jupiter, the luck planet, enters the sign of Pisces - the sign of healing, spirituality and creativity. Traditional astrologers says the Jupiter rules Pisces, and it’s nice to have the planet of healing so strong, because the world could use a damn healing now! Hallelujah!

Yours in astrology,
🧿 Julia and Luna 🧿

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