Dalek News 20 DEC 2021

2 years ago

As good little daleks, going off to work with your packed lunch,
when you are occasionally permitted to think by your intellectual superiors,
you might ask:
"How much is this debt thing anyway?"

The federal spending deficit from 2016 to 2026 is around 17.26 Trillion dollars
17.26 is equal to the market capitalization of the top 16 world companies.
This would be the cost of buying them outright, from land to the pencils and coffee machines.

If we restrict ourselves to the Biden years, 2020 to 2023, the deficit spending is 11.4 Trillion.
What does 11.4 Trillion buy us?

The 185 largest companies in China have a combined market capitalization of 7.3 Trillion,
so there will be plenty of excess left over for beer and cigarettes.

The top six world companies, if purchased outright are valued at 11.6 Trillion
If a 50 percent ownership is desired, controlling interest in the top 32 companies could be purchased.
This would be a true socialist ideal of the means of production being collectively owned.

High speed rail costs between 17 to 60 million per km, depending on terrain and desired speed.
16,700 km or 10,000 miles for the most expensive high speed rail in the world could be purchased for a Trillion, which is a mere rounding error.

Aircraft carriers! Aircraft Carriers! Get you aircraft carriers! Sixty per Trillion!

Sex tours in Thailand can be 12,000 baht for 24 hours, or 360 dollars.

1 Trillion is there for 2.78 billion prostitute days of Thai sex.
The total wealth of Thailand is 1.4 trillion, so buying it outright may be more economical.

As a note, the kamala factor of a country ratio of cost of prostitute days sex divided by the wealth of the country.

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