Canadian Sheeple Lining Up For the Slaughter

3 years ago

Rumble — Canadian Sheeple lining up to be poisoned by 'Black Pete' in Peterborough, Ontario.
It's reassuring to know that Adelaide, Australia isn't the ONLY PLACE with brainwashed morons. 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 🇨🇦

This doesn't surprise me. The video author's cousin lives in Hamilton, Ontario. He wore a mask on a Skype call with him recently. What purpose is there in wearing a mask on a Skype call unless you are brain dead?

Benjamin Franklin once wrote: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Perhaps Canucks should learn a little history outside of their own.

The exact quotation, which is from a letter that Franklin is believed to have written on behalf of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, reads,"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Think of "kill all the lawyers" - right? - from Shakespeare. Nobody really remembers what the characters in question were saying at that time. And maybe it doesn't matter so much what Franklin was actually trying to say because the quotation means so much to us in terms of the tension between government power and individual liberties. But I do think it is worth remembering what he was actually trying to say because the actual context is much more sensitive to the problems of real governance than the flip quotation's use is, often. And Franklin was dealing with a genuine security emergency. There were raids on these frontier towns. And he regarded the ability of a community to defend itself as the essential liberty that it would be contemptible to trade. So I don't really have a problem with people misusing the quotation, but I also think it's worth remembering what it was really about.

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