Echoes of Hope, Part 5 | "The Child" | Tullian Tchividjian

3 years ago

This is the 5th and final part in a series called “Echoes of Hope.”

In this message—“The Child”— we look at Isaiah 9:1-7 and we see how the arrival of Jesus 700 years later is the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy.

Speaking to broken people in a broken world facing dark and hopeless circumstances, Isaiah sees a figure appearing on the horizon who will one day come to set his people free.
From the cries of a baby lying in a manger, God shouts, “I’ve got this.”

It is this crying baby who wipes away our tears as our Wonderful Counselor.
It is this powerless child who conquers despair and dejection as our Mighty God.
It is this needy newborn who is the source of everything we need and long for as our Everlasting Father.
It is this helpless infant who restores okayness to our lives as our Prince of Peace.

I hope this message encourages you greatly and gives you hope beyond this world.

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