Former Ironman champion Trevor Hendy - Reclaim The Line - The Great Awakening - This is why we're here

3 years ago

Sunday 12 December.
Reclaim The Line, Face The Music, Rally
Former Ironman champion Trevor Hendy incredible speech at The Reclaim The Line Face The Music Rally at the QLD/NSW border,

Former Ironman champion Trevor Hendy incredible speech at The Reclaim The Line Face The Music Rally at the QLD/NSW border,

Trevor is one of the visionaries behind Voices 4 Choices (a group of influential personalities standing for freedom), was a special guest at the rally. He told the crowd the world was in the midst of a great awakening.

Partly transcribed:

This is the Great Awakening. We are in the middle of the Great Awakening. This is it. This is actually the moment we were all born for.

Every single one of us share the same soul into the one big, deep source, and that’s what we’re here to reconnect to.

This is our moment.

As a soul we do the full circle, we come into who we really are, and we face who we really are, and we stand for who we really are – that’s what’s happening, right now.

That’s what’s happening for every single one of us.

I’ve made mistakes, I’ve been a fool, I’ve loved, I’ve lost. I’ve got down and got back up again just like everybody else.

Every single one of us we’re the same, we’re on a journey, we get to choose how we do that journey.

We heard well-known people telling you to roll-up-your-sleeve.
We got a little disgusted by it.

There’s a lot of well-known people that have beautiful hearts, like everybody that’s standing here, and they’re not full of shit, and they’re good people.

So we got a bunch of people together, and they’re going to start popping up left, right and centre with their tens of millions of followers.

And they’re going to start promoting and amplifying everything that you’re doing.

They believe in you, and they believe in this, and they’re spread right around the world.

The media picked one of those and decided to tell everyone who’s not awake that he went on an anti-vax rant – was he on an anti-vax rant? It was a health rant! It was actually about what we are capable of. It was about our power.

We have an amazing Power to turn things around.

We have found each other.
We always knew we were there but look – we can see each other now!

All around the country people are finding each other and seeing each other. You hold the blueprint for the future.

You get off the nipple of society and you take your power back fully.

You say no to the things that you need to say no to so you’re spirit comes alive.

Lose money that you need to lose. Lose friends that you need to lose – because they’ll come with you later because you’re doing it for them anyway.

Lose respect that you need to lose, it’s not respect it’s just judgement. It’s bullshit. And stand in who you are as you are.

When we take off, we’re into a new dimension.

For a while I thought the human race was something that somebody needed to win, and then I realized it’s not. The human race is us, together, collectively – this is all going to change – get off the nipple.

As we start to remember who we really are and what we’re capable of, we’re all going to go somewhere else together.

There’s new systems that have been built for the last 6 or 7 years. I’m not talking about the great bullshit reset, run by you know who, I’m talking about people like yourself that have been thinking about this for a long time.

So we’re going through some necessary pain, and there’s some good news, and you hold true and you hold fast, you’re going to learn how to trade with each other – and don’t worry —

Hands up any nurses? Anyone sick? There’s a nurse for you.
Hands up any firemen? Need a fire fought?
Hands up any policemen? There’s few around too, plenty behind – don’t worry – everything we need is going to be in this new world as we go towards it – but it’s a world where we all operate together, and everybody – including the ones that want to keep you out of the world at the moment – they’re welcome in our new world.

Do you agree?

This is for everyone – it’s not for some sect of community.
I’ve been on some amazing calls – Doctors4CovidEthics – 50 or 60 of the smartest people in the world – and you start to doubt yourself if you tune-into mainstream media – for a little while you start to think you’re going silly, and then you get on a call with the brightest minds of the world and they talk so passionately and speaking over each other about the latest bit of evidence – and don’t worry, they’re coming. The cavalry is coming.

On Monday Morning there’s a world symposium – 16,000 physicians have signed up to it.

Look up
Look up The Unity Project
Get on Parents With Questions
Get on all these networks with people.

Because it’s not just us that’s connecting, it’s these amazing networks that are going to change the world.

You guys are the future and every single person on this planet is on your team whether they know it or not just yet.


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