3 years ago

The last few weeks I have found myself getting more frustrated and stressed than I have done in a long time

The spiritual law - What you put out comes back has rang true. I feel I have been posting a little more of the negative stuff from a place of frustration and that is what I have had back

It is hard and frustrating when you want people to see the lies and deception, especially how obvious it is.

I am working with families who have lost loved ones to this jab and feeling the suffering that has been endured. So when I am met with comments and resistance it has set off my ego.

I have accept this and focus on what I need to. This is my truth and it is not my responsibility how people react to it

This week my intention is positivity and happiness. Focussing on the things that energise my soul

My encouragement to others is to join me and let us change the mood that is being put out there

Awareness is great to all what is going on, as long as it does not consume the majority of your day

Time to focus on No1
Exercise, improving nutrition, sleep, meditate, get into flow, do things you love, connect with others on the same vibe as you. Make that all happen and experience the shift in your energy and happiness

Plenty of Good vibes!

Have a great week. Truth is coming!

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