3 years ago

Some people are still struggling to get their head around the lies to this plandemic. The lies are much bigger than this. Wait until you realise that we have all been born into a lie

We are born into a world where we are told we are spinning at a 1000mph, whilst being on a 15 degree tilt, with people in Australia down, boats and the oceans sticking to a globe because of a force called gravity. We are also told that we are travelling around the sun at 66.6 thousand mph whilst our solar system travelling through the universe at 500000 mph.

That’s what most people subscribe too

@jamesmannioncoaching and I have studied heliocentrism for over 8 years and what ever way you look at it, you realise the whole thing is a sham

Question for you…. How do you know we are spinning 1000mph? 🤔

Cognitive dissonance is always prevalent when ever this topic gets brought up. Lots of ego and lots of aggression and pretty much 99% of the time people don’t actually have a clue about where they live

GRAVITY….. is an answer for everything…
What gravity do you subscribe to? 🤔

I am called a conspiracy theorist, my “theory”. However most people on this plane we live on believe in the “theory” of gravity and most even know what one they subscribe too.

Why would they lie? One of the reasons they lie, is because they take away your foundations

From the moment you are born you are already doubting yourself. You are told your senses are sometimes wrong. We are told that sun is not actually moving and we are spinning. So when we have magical moments, we doubt ourselves because we think that we are just seeing things because of the conditioning we have grown up with

The truth is coming out from every angle now and nothing can stop what is coming. It’s a great topic to go into as you soon realise, we know very little about who we are and why we are here. It also makes life more interesting as we have so much more to learn

Watch the full episode on @ladstalkhealth and see how much your ego gets triggered. Very thought provoking indeed

Let us know your thoughts. Leave your emotions out of this. Wait for the anger 😂

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