New Revelations of Diabolical COVID Vaccine Ingredients shock Researchers & Doctors

3 years ago

BREAKING: New Revelations of diabolical COVID Vaccine Ingredients shock Researchers & Doctors. In this report, see who are the powers to be behind the most massive scientific experimentation in human history. mRNA novel vaccines are a new Nano technology "operating system" which without a miracle from God, will irreversibly change a person's DNA from the Creator's original genome blueprint.

The Lord will not allow this evil treachery for profit (under the guise of health/pandemic management) go on much longer. Also find out who are the Democrat & GOP leaders in America who allied with Big Pharma, Big Tech & Big central banks to abscond Federal tax dollars in order to assist in the funding of R & D and the DELIVERY of these virtually untested & injurious vaccines.
This toxic serum was marketed by key government leaders & Global-cap elites, MSMedia, Big Tech etc. Yes, they strategically worked a plan to reach the whole world for profit, surveillance control & yes, even to achieve their dark and horrifying goal of mass depopulation over the next 2-5 years.

But though they peddle fear and seek to mandate and manipulate toward the conversion of millions of "unvaxxed holdouts," our God has empowered us through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to OVERCOME EVIL with good and with the TRUTH.

And that is exactly what we the people are about to do en masse - regardless of political party or nationality. This will be a God ordained revival at the grass roots - to not only save our kids and our great country America, but to warn and save all of mankind who were ALL created in God's Image to pursue LIFE, LIBERTY & HAPPINESS under the Sun.
Genesis 1:26 -27
John 10:10

God's blessings to all from the Good Shepherd News Channel.

Ephesians 3:20-21

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