Para Dar Luz Inmortal-Song dedicated to Saint Joseph

2 years ago

+J.M.J.+ Sung by the Men's Schola of Jesus and Mary Roman Catholic Chapel
Polyphony, Anonymous, Saint Clara Choir-book, 18th Century; A beautiful and solemn piece, "Para Dar Luz Inmortal" is dedicated to the Mighty Patron of The Church, Saint Joseph. It tells of his unique and singular role as the foster father of the Christ Child and guardian of The Holy Family.
English translation to this sublime and profound composition:
To give immortal light, being the husband of Mary.
R: You are Joseph, the clear day in angelic purity.
You are transformed into an angel by your innocent life; since your soul is united with the Author of the servant, being so beloved of God, your fortune is immense. R.
You are an archangel enlightened in the mysteries of God. Since you are the keeper of The Word Incarnate, it is not much if at your side lies the sun, the Immortal Sun. R.
You are a throne as your arms received the God-Child and they came together in sweet embrace with the most tender affection. Enjoy, Joseph, the ermine of this celestial flower. R.
What virginal purity is said in an “Ave Maria". R.

Spanish text:
Para dar luz inmortal
siendo esposo de María.
R.: Sois José, el claro día,
en pureza angélica.

Ave sois Ángel trocado
por vuestra inocente vida,
estando vuestra alma unida
al autor de lo criado
siendo de Dios tan amado
inmenso es vuestro caudal.
Sois Arcángel ilustrado
en los misterios de Dios
siendo el deposito vos
de lo Verbo encarnado
no es mucho si a vuestro lado
tenéis Sol, Sol inmortal .
Sois trono pues a Dios Niño
vuestros brazos recibieron
y en dulce abrazo se unieron
con tiernísimo cariño
gozad José del armiño
d’esta flor celestial.
Pureza tan virginal
dice en un Ave Maria.

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