How To Manage Naps Over The Festive Season! with Chantal Murphy - Baby Sleep Magic

3 years ago

How To Manage Naps Over The Festive Season! with Chantal Murphy - Baby Sleep Magic

For more information on how to get your little one to sleep download The Baby Sleep Magic App and use code "PODCAST20" at checkout to receive 20% off your first-month subscription. Visit our website for more info

This time of year can be very challenging when it comes to naps and trying to maintain some sort of structure with your daily routine.

Below Are Some Tips Which Can Help Minimise The Disruption On Sleep and Behaviour Over The Festive Season!

Aim to maintain your routine for meals, naps and bedtimes. If your baby's bedtime ritual at home includes a bath, story and a bottle, ensure you do the same whilst you are away or even if you have friends/family over

For those of you going away practice sleeping in the porta/travel cot approximately one week before you intend to travel, set up the porta cot in your baby's bedroom and practice sleeping your child in the porta cot, as this will allow them to become comfortable while in a familiar environment. If your child wakes up, put them back in the cot and each night try to extend the duration in the porta cot.

Replicate your home sleeping environment by bringing along your cot sheets and favourite blanket, etc. By carrying this out, the new environment will feel and smell like home., this is due to babies and toddlers relying much more on their sense of smell.

Consider introducing a comforter before your trip for added comfort in a foreign place.

Maintain a dark sleep environment as this will eliminate early rising and help link cycles.

Squeeze in naps - If your child is still taking naps, ensure you can still get naps in where you can. If that means it is in the pram, the car, or even in the carrier, it is better to have a cat nap than no nap as this will result in you having an overtired child.

Lastly, it’s important to remember, what happened on holidays stays on holidays!!, Sometimes you have to go into survival mode and maybe you co-slept, however, this doesn't mean you have to continue doing so when you return home or once things are back to normal.

When you get home, you can immediately reestablish regular sleep routines, and within a couple of nights your little sleeper will be back on track!

For more information on how to get your little one to sleep download The Baby Sleep Magic App and use code "PODCAST20" at checkout to receive 20% off your first-month subscription. Visit our website for more info

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