How To Clear Emotional Blockages Part 2 The Universes University

2 years ago

In this video series we look into how and why emotional blockages can stop us from attaining our goals and manifesting the life we desire. We also look into several techniques that have been shown to be very effective for many people in clearing emotional blocks.

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These emotions can also manifest in chronic conditions such as pain and disease as they block positive healthy vibrations that attract positive things to you. So as you can imagine it is vitally important that you deal with these as soon as you uncover them. By freeing yourself of these negative frequencies you leave room for positive frequencies and noticeable improvements in your life. This frees you up to actually follow through and achieve your goals and resolutions.

So just how do these negative emotional vibrations get stuck in your body? The mind/memory only holds so much. We have a huge intergenerational store house of memory in our cells DNA. This is called cellular memory. Not only does it store our memories but also past memories of our parents and grand parents. This is all done without our even realising it. (It is still a controversial theory but gaining favour). It explains certain characteristics that we seemed to have that were not taught by our parents or grand parents but we have in common with them.

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