Flight - Aviation and History

3 years ago

Clips taken from public domain promotional film by Lockheed:
Look to Lockheed for Leadership (Part I)

Tradefilms, Inc.

Publication date
ca. 1940

Public DomainCreative Commons Licensepublicdomain

Aviation: History

Digitizing sponsor
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation

Innovations in aviation history and technology. Producer and director: Shirley Burden. Photography: Floyd Crosby, Al Wetzel.

Promotional film about Lockheed aircraft using test pilots and speed records to show how Lockheed is at the forefront of aviation technology. Wright Brothers, Amelia Earhart, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindbergh and Howard Hughes are shown. Also airplane construction.
Full source: https://archive.org/details/LooktoLo1940

Full audio credits for royalty free music, as indicated by the artist:
Music by Scott Buckley; Song: "Beyond These Walls:
licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, which means it’s free to use, as long as you credit Scott Buckley
Link to download and support this artist: https://www.scottbuckley.com.au/library/beyond-these-walls/
For a nice Scott Buckley playlist, see: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YuaaNBmc7yKD/
Thanks to Finest Tunes bitchute channel linked above.

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