Salve Regina (Solemn Tone) Sacred Music-Quito Pilgrimage

3 years ago

+J.M.J.+ Dedicated to Our Beloved Heavenly Mother Mary. This particular Gregorian Chant can be found in the 1962 Liber Usualis- page 276 and is our version of the Solemn Tone Salve Regina. After achieving our version of this chant, someone asked us what “harmonization" technique was used. We asked a very good friend to help us explain and he provided this info:
Gregorian Chant is monophonic ("single-voiced). Harmony can only arise with a plurality of voices each singing different but complimentary notes. Gregorian Chant does not have harmony written into its various compositions as found in the liturgical texts, but you can certainly harmonize with Gregorian Chant. You can harmonize with any choral form. Harmonizing with Gregorian Chant through the use of a prolonged single note is typically referred to as a "drone". The Byzantine tradition refers to this note as an "ison". This ison can remain fixed on a single note within the Do-scale of Gregorian Chant or it can go up and down at certain points within the main melody. This is referred to as "modulating". Additionally, the choosing of a particular note for an ison is largely based on the various tones that are assigned to a certain piece of Gregorian Chant (the mode number is typically written next to the first portion of the chant's staff). Below is a handy table which shows which ison is assigned to each mode:
Mode Ison Final Dominant Range Mood
I Re (or do with mi/sol) Re La re-re Gravis

II La (or re/do) Re Fa (or La) la-la Tristis

III Mi Mi Ti mi-mi Mysticus

IV La Mi La ti-ti Harmonicus

V Fa and Do Fa Do fa-fa Laetus

VI Fa Fa La do-do Devotus

VII Sol Sol Re sol-sol Angelicus

VIII Sol Sol Do re-re Perfectus
Further complexity can be added in several ways. One way is to incorporate several isons/drones that harmonize both with each other and the Gregorian melody. Another way is to sing the Gregorian melody at a different musical interval (i.e. a 5th, Major 3rd, etc.). The latter is typically referred to as Organum. Organum differs from an ison in that it maintains the same tempo and melody of the Gregorian Chant whereas an ison can be sung independently (although even an ison is dependent upon the melody of the Chant in order to achieve a proper harmony).

While in Quito, Ecuador, to attend the Feast of Mary of Buen Suceso of the Purification, Feb. 2nd., Fr. Michael Rodríguez offered daily Traditional Latin Mass in the Conceptionist Church & Convent--home of Mary of Buen Suceso of the Purification. The technical name of the Church is, "Iglesia de La Limpia Concepcion". This first monastery in Quito was established in September of 1575.
The miraculous statue of Mary of Buen Suceso of the Purification is taken from the cloistered upper choir three times a year and placed above the main altar of the Convent Church so that it can be venerated by the public.
Fr. Rodriguez also led pilgrims daily in praying the Holy Rosary and Novena to Mary of Buen Suceso of the Purification in front of the miraculous statue and gave spiritual conferences every evening on the major themes of Grace, Jesus Christ, and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Blessed be Jesus Christ and His most pure Mother!
More on Mary of Buen Suceso of the Purification:
Mary of Buen Suceso of the Purification appeared to a Conceptionist nun, Venerable Mariana de Jesús Torres (1563–1635), in Quito, Ecuador, who was allowed to see what would occur in the 20th century and therefore offered her life and sufferings for the crisis within the Church. Mother Mariana de Jesús Torres was bestowed with many singular gifts from heaven and received numerous prophecies of the future, especially in the 20th century. Many are amazed at how accurate Our Lady's predictions for the 20th century have been.
Mary of Buen Suceso of the Purification commanded that a statue be made. In her right hand, she carries a Crosier as Abbess of the convent and Queen of Heaven and Earth. In her left arm, she carries her Divine Son so that "all will know that I am merciful and understanding. Let them come to me for I will lead them to Him." The statue was completed miraculously by the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Saint Francis of Assisi.
Many people have never heard of her message, apparitions or prophecies. Yet she is a powerful complement to the Message of Our Lady of Fatima (1917) and indispensable for understanding what is taking place in our own time (20th/21st century).
Learn more about Mary of Buen Suceso of the Purification on these sites:
Why Buen Suceso Instead Of Good Success?

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