Most Old Portraits are HOAXES

3 years ago

Just as we showed in our earlier posts about Renaissance Humanism, and the revival of classical art / imitation of it. We would like to share our beliefs that most art painted during this time was in fact satans cover-up work.

So many figures in history simply did not exist, ever. In the same way, many did, but they lie to us about what their real names actually were, or what they actually looked like.

Most Roman Catholic paintings you will see are FALSE. They are freemasonic paintings, (easily distinguished if you have eyes to see) created for our deception. If you watch Exploring Tartaria's more recent videos, after her tragic seduction to the satanic Catholic church, you will see almost every painting she put in her videos are FALSE. She fell for these paintings in the exact way they had planned for us to. This is why it is important to educate yourselves in the evils of this world, such as freemasonry, so you are able to see it when it is in front of you.

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