Stephen Colbert is fake news! (COVID-19 vaccination rates & cases per week)

3 years ago

Stephen Colbert is still fake news! (COVID-19 vaccination rates & cases per week)

In my previous examination of Miss Colbert’s musings on COVID-19 vaccination rates & cases per week ( ) I exposed Colbert as an anti-science nutter & posted several screenshots from numerous states proving this was not true.

This is an update to that as I included a few new states that I did not include last time & a few that were in the last post are not in this one. I also included some of the Republican trifectas that the antique media was caterwauling about every time there was a burp in cases (such as Iowa, Florida, Texas, South Dakota). The antique media was obsessed with cases, which means the lemmings that copy/paste their musings all over social media because they have a lot of free time were also obsessed with cases.

Idiots like Stephanie Colbert just regurgitated pap from the Ministry of Truth & will never bother to check if it was correct. I have news for the ferret-faced clown, he was wrong.

A spike in cases among the <50 years of age w/ no immunodeficiencies population is not a big deal, a spike at Shady Acres Retirement Community is a big deal.

What you can see from the cases per week & vaccination rates (if you want the % of each state for adults or the 12+ population, you will have to see their own health department websites) is that several jurisdictions that went hog wild on vaccinations (especially when compared to the national average) are seeing spikes that either challenge or exceed their cases per week highs of December2020/January 2021.

Some states had their spikes a bit earlier or later, but you get the point. If high-vaccination rates mean you will not see a surge & the only “waves” will be in states that have low-vaccination rates than Miss Colbert needs to take a gander at Michigan, Vermont, Maine, Minnesota the UK, etc.

In closing, let us quote the little man Anthony Fauci back in June 2020: “Having about 50% of adults fully vaccinated and about 62% of adults having received at least one dose across the US as a whole means ‘as a nation, I feel fairly certain you’re not going to see the kind of surges we’ve seen in the past,’ Fauci said, but added ‘what I am concerned about are those states in which the level of vaccination is low, that you may continue to see higher levels of cases as we get into the summer.’”

Has this clown ever been right on anything? Again, I am focusing on cases as the lockdowns, mask mandates & the vaunted “vaccines” were supposed to control this, but they did not & have not.

If the lockdown sociopath cites that a spike in cases was NOT accompanied by a spike in deaths, that is not the point. Those lockdowns, masks (remember 15 DAYS to stop the spread?) & vaccines were supposed to prevent the spread.

A companion to this video is posted @

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