Our Govt Has Tested Biological Warfare on Us Since the 50’s!

3 years ago

For those who don't beleive our govenrment would never harm us, they have been doing it accross the US since the 50's, and possibly sooner!

The Central Intelligence Agency was involved in "Operation Big City", also called "Open Air" biological warfare tests in the streets and tunnels of New York City in 1951 - 1956, according to an analysis of CIA records.

A four-month analysis report showed the CIA purchased supplies for experiments that included the dissemmation of unknown substances for aerosol devices mounted in suitcases and in the exhaust of a 1953 Mercury. The exhaust pipe extended 18" beyond its normal length for a concoction of gas that caused hallucinations to be emitted through the automobile's exhaust as agents drove eighty miles around New York City, making notes of the effects on pedestrians.

The analysts examined about 600 pages of CIA financial records that were part of the agency's MK-ULTRA mind control experiments; only some of the documents have been made by the CIA; ther must have been an inquiry or law suit that made them surface.

The analyst pieced together bits of information and found heavily censored CIA documents; details of the operation were either destroyed or remain unclassified.

The CIA never acknowledged any involvement with "Operation Big City" tests saying the biological testing was conducted for the CIA by the Army; likely story!

Previously released documents and congressional hearings showed the Army's "Special Operations Division" at Fort Detrich, MD carried out a series of tests between 1949 and 1968 apparently designed to gauge the vulnerability of American metropolitan areas for possible Soviet chemical and bacteriological warfare.

A San Francisco attorney released Army documents obtained under the "Freedom of Information Act" describing a 1950 test in which a bacteria cloud sprayed from a ship off the Golden Gate wafted inland to cover the entire bay area.

The 75 pages of receipts, concluded:

"Test animals, the CIA-Army team experimented with a variety of devices capable of disseminating a powder or gas into the air under covert conditions.
Battery driven 'dusters' were installed in suitcases that had been soundproofed to muffle the noise. Similar devices were also constructed to sample the air to determine the effectiveness of the test. Personnel were protected with, at least, nasal filter pads.

Not really that surprising since they are still using far worse chemiacals on us now!

Also research: HAARP, Operation Popeye, Agent Orange, GeoEngineering, Cloud-Seeding (Chemtrails), Weather Warfare, CERN,

U.S. citizens should have never be tested for chemicals or biological warfare- but the intensity increases every year, and Big Pharma does te same!

These were apparenly the "military industrial complex" (black hats) who have a long-standing history of profiting from war at the expense of civilians and soldiers expense, sick, maimed for life, or loss of life. Tey don't care. Money is almighty gor them, we're simply expendable colatteral for their financial gain.
They have gotten away with it all these years! It's time to end them now!

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Operation Big City, CIA, Military Industrial Complex, Corrupt Military, Military Experiments on Citizens,

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