Pandemia Today, Pandemia Tomorrow, But Not Forever

3 years ago

It's Christmas time. For normal people that means spending quality time with loved ones and reflecting on the year we leave behind us. For governments and their authoritarian followers, that means more lockdowns, more boosters, and more mandates - even as their rationale for keeping the pandemic going (new variants) is evaporating as the virus becomes endemic and mutates into a mild form.

On this last NewsReal of 2021, Joe and Niall check in with the CDC and Fauci in the US, and the SAGE Committee in the UK, to hear from the horse's mouth(s) just how decoupled from reality Covid restrictions have become. Most still can't see it. Will they ever? Probably not, but in the meantime other events are probably going to eclipse 'the Rona' in 2022. Buckle up people, we're in for a WILD ride!

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