Vernacademia Season 2.6: ID FPS Games

3 years ago

Sientir speaks a bit on his experience with ID's earlier first person shooter games and other tangentially related things

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Cliff Notes:

00:03 Introduction
00:52 What did Sientir like about FPS games?
01:37 How do you compare current FPS to old school FPS?
02:33 What pushes him away from current FPS games?
03:39 How did FPS impact Sientir's design sensibilities?
04:22 Impact of Player Speed
04:57 Old school color compared to new school
05:57 Worlds designed for fun rather than to imitate reality
06:38 Opinions on Doom 2016
07:04 Graphical Stylization vs. Realism
08:16 GI-Joe style
08:39 ID and Arcade play
09:51 Weapon Limitations and unreality
10:41 Demon Souls to Dark Souls and Encomberance
11:27 Weapon Selection and the weapon dial
12:04 Environment Exploration, Speed to world size
13:55 Interesting Traversal in games
15:05 Alternative Movement, Ocarina of Time
15:42 Quake and Environment Design
16:02 Hexen and Environment Design
16:32 Dark Souls 2 and area resonance and implementation
18:59 The dying creepy forest aesthetic
19:40 The Aesthetic feelings that stuck with Sientir
21:33 Projectile Design that allows the player to interact with it
22:44 Encapsulating Thoughts
24:31 Sign Off

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