Right After the Cameras Stop Flashing...

2 years ago

This short video clip tells you all you need to know about the so-called "dangers" of the V|RU$.

Doctors and medical professionals are MK Ultra controlled. During their annual and semi-annual conferences where doctors normally learn new ways to treat various illnesses, are presented with new procedures and new tools that will help them, during those presentations, doctors and medical professionals are being cleverly brainwashed (it's not make believe or science fiction, people. It is REAL) so that when they return to their practices, to their offices, to the hospitals where they work, they will now regularly do things that they would have NEVER considered before these brainwashing sessions began. They will be lying about diagnoses. They will prescribe medications that will kill the patients. They will intubate patients who are completely healthy in regards to respiratory illnesses. Once the unnecessary intubation and deadly incorrect prescribed medications have finished their intended work and the patient dies, the patient will have C0V|D Nineteen placed on the certificate of death, in order for the hospitals and the doctors to be paid off by both the government and by pharmaceutical companies. In a mass depopulation agenda is in place by governments across the world, they convince the people by using the mainstream media that there is a deadly virus killing people worldwide. They tell the people that they MUST wear masks (which DO NOT protect people from catching a virus), to practice (anti)social distancing, and to get a TWO "vaccine" injections, then a booster shot every several months, which has now been proven to WEAKEN and even DESTROY the immune system of those who take the vaccine. Some of said "vaccines" contain placebos, probably in the neighborhood of 30% of them. The rest of the so-called "vaccines" are mRNA jabs which contain mercury, lead, tissue obtained from aborted human babies, and other horrible ingredients. Those shots are designed to kill, and they are doing just that, killing people by the thousands worldwide. When THOSE people die, THEIR deaths are also listed as C0V|D deaths.

Meanwhile doctors and medical professionals continue practicing evil, doing things that they would have NEVER considered doing prior to this C0V|D nonsense started.

DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. LOOK FOR STORIES AND VIDEOS ON AGENDA 2030. Look for meetings in October 2019 where a covid pandemic was played out using EVERYTHING we are seeing now. A month later there were ads online everywhere, asking for people who will act as emergency pandemic security individuals. It is all there, and more. Do your own research. THINK FOR YOURSELF!!!

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