Fulshear Bessie’s Creek Flood District is a history town hall meeting 3/9/2019.

3 years ago

March 9, 2019 Simonton community meeting regarding flood mitigation and potential solutions and sources of funding for the Bessie's Creek watershed.

Bessie’s Creek Flood District is a history. Commissionaires will keep pursuing federal funds(75%) avenue with the state covering local match (25%).

Town Hall Meeting Simonton
Proposed Bessie’s Creek Flood control district

Here is the link to PDF presentation:

In attendance:
Commissionaire Meyers and staff, State Representative Dr. John Zerwas, County Attorney Roy Cordes, Fort Bend County Drainage District Chief Engineer Mark Vogler, Fort Bend County Assistant Engineer Rick Staigle, and Scott Wieghat from Fort Bend County Road & Bridge, and about 200 residents.

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