How To Clear Emotional Blockages Part 1 The Universes University

3 years ago

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In this video series we look into how and why emotional blockages can stop us from attaining our goals and manifesting the life we desire. We also look into several techniques that have been shown to be very effective for many people in clearing emotional blocks.

How Emotional Blockages Hold You Back From Achieving Your Goals.

How many times have you set yourself a goal or made a New Years resolution? You start out all enthusiastic and make some good progress but as the days turn into weeks life starts getting in the way and the goal and/or resolution gets put on the back burner. You admonish yourself and say that next time you’ll follow through but unfortunately this becomes the predominant pattern and you never do follow through. What has happened? Well it more than likely is an emotional blockage that is the result of a negative experience you had in the past. This has probably been buried deep in your sub conscience.

These emotional sub conscience blockages typically show up as limiting beliefs, self defeating behaviour, patterns of self sabotage and other limiting patterns of behaviour. They are actually the mechanism the mind uses to protect us from similar experiences in the future. But unfortunately they can also serve us negatively.

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