What Will Be The Cost This Time?

3 years ago

History repeating itself is the collective pattern of the repetition compulsion on the individual level. We continue to make the same mistakes until we learn from the past, individually and as collectively as a society. We are living in a turning point in history. We will either go down the road of totalitarianism or we are going to choose collectively, because enough individuals are making the internal choice in their life, a different path. The easy path is to follow the obedient herd and numb it out or indulge in escapism to avoid facing reality. It's much more work to heal the trauma in order to create a better future. What will be the cost of waiting longer?

Clip from Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee ) Session 78 New Paths Out Of Trauma (Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer and Meredith Miller)

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