Exposing the Border Crisis

3 years ago

Exposing the border crisis the Biden administration doesn’t want you to see. With today’s Americans for Limited Government Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen. Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona recently met with the Yuma County Sheriff who shared with him pictures of the latest rush of thousands of illegal aliens who crossed the border illegally last weekend in Yuma. photos showing lines and lines of criminals walking into our country and mountains of litter and rubbish strewn everywhere.

Rep. Paul Gosar, “This is the crisis that Joe Biden doesn't want you to see but a picture is worth a thousand words.
The crisis has reached a new level thousands of law breakers are staging and getting ready to cross and these are
only the ones we're apprehending what about the got-aways that's probably one out of every two. Yuma sector border patrol facilities are over capacity what is taking place in Yuma is unconscionable Joe Biden is destroying America.”
One bit of good news: the Senate Parliamentarian again rejected the Democrats’ plan to provide temporary protections for immigrants living in the U.S. illegally in their Build Back Broke bill.

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