Let me introduce myself, I am Ana Allen

3 years ago

I Love Jesus, my husband, my unconventional family that includes 4 children a son in law and 3 beautiful grandsons..
I believe in God, Freedom, happiness and LOVE..
As empty nesters my husband and I have raised our family by focusing on being the kind of people we needed when we were children! So far it has worked out for us, our children and our grandchildren..
I want to continue to make an impact in this world by perpetuating goodness through faith and family values protecting and growing children with strong values and basic needs.. LOVE and BOUNDARIES.. I want to continue to go against the MODERN GRAIN by bringing back these values in the way each family can.. It’s simple but not easy and I am here for it ALL..
you can say I live in a bubble but it’s my bubble and everyone is invited to have a seat at my table.. Subscribe and follow me for unsolicited advice on parenting, wifing, friending and LIVING OUT LOUD.. right here in my bubble!!

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